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Mark George Tobey (Centerville, 11 dicembre 1890Basilea, 24 aprile 1976) è stato un pittore statunitense di arte astratta.

Mark Tobey (1964)
Mark Tobey (1964)

Inizia la sua carriera tra Chicago e New York impegnato come disegnatore di moda. In questi anni si avvicina alla comunità religiosa Bahá'í e resterà per tutta la vita affascinato dai culti orientali. Questo suo profondo amore verso la cultura orientale lo influenzerà sempre nella sua arte e lo spingerà nel 1934 a compiere un viaggio tra Cina e Giappone dove apprenderà l'arte calligrafica che farà partecipare ai suoi lavori tramite la creazione della White Writing (scrittura bianca).

Nel 1928 fonda la Free and Creative School.


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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN) 14824148 · ISNI (EN) 0000 0000 8093 7426 · BAV 495/198741 · Europeana agent/base/64602 · ULAN (EN) 500012870 · LCCN (EN) n79134980 · GND (DE) 11862301X · BNE (ES) XX1295664 (data) · BNF (FR) cb12231709p (data) · J9U (EN, HE) 987007276676605171 (topic) · WorldCat Identities (EN) lccn-n79134980
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[de] Mark Tobey

Mark George Tobey (* 11. Dezember 1890 in Centerville, Vereinigte Staaten; † 24. April 1976 in Basel, Schweiz) war ein US-amerikanischer Maler.

[en] Mark Tobey

Mark George Tobey (December 11, 1890 – April 24, 1976) was an American painter. His densely structured compositions, inspired by Asian calligraphy, resemble Abstract expressionism,[1][2] although the motives for his compositions differ philosophically from most Abstract Expressionist painters. His work was widely recognized throughout the United States and Europe. Along with Guy Anderson, Kenneth Callahan, Morris Graves, and William Cumming, Tobey was a founder of the Northwest School. Senior in age and experience, he had a strong influence on the others; friend and mentor, Tobey shared their interest in philosophy and Eastern religions. Similar to others of the Northwest School, Tobey was mostly self-taught after early studies at the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1921, Tobey founded the art department at The Cornish School in Seattle, Washington.[3]

[es] Mark Tobey

Mark George Tobey (Centerville, 11 de diciembre de 1890 - Basilea, 24 de abril de 1976) fue un pintor expresionista abstracto estadounidense. Ampliamente reconocido en Estados Unidos y Europa, Tobey es el más destacado entre «los pintores místicos del Noroeste». Mayor en edad y experiencia, Tobey tuvo una fuerte influencia sobre los otros. Amigo y mentor, Tobey compartió sus intereses en filosofía y religiones orientales. Junto con Guy Anderson, Kenneth Callahan, Morris Graves, y Willem de Kooning, Tobey fue fundador de la Escuela del Noroeste.[1]

[fr] Mark Tobey

Mark Tobey (1890-1976) est un peintre abstrait américain.
- [it] Mark Tobey

[ru] Тоби, Марк

Марк Тоби[уточнить] (англ. Mark Tobey, 11 декабря 1890, Cентервилл, США — 24 апреля 1976, Базель, Швейцария) — американский художник, представлявший северо-западную школу (англ.) абстрактного экспрессионизма.

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