The Museum of Primitive Art is a now defunct museum devoted to the early arts of the indigenous cultures of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.[2] It was founded in 1954 by Nelson Rockefeller, who donated his own collection of Tribal art. The museum opened to the public in 1957 in a townhouse at 15 West 54th Street in New York City. Robert Goldwater (1907–1973) was the museum’s first director. The museum closed in 1976, and its collections were transferred to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.[2]
Defunct tribal art museum
Lowman, Cherry, Displays of Power: Art and War among the Marings of New Guinea, New York, Museum of Primitive Art, 1973.
Mead, Margaret, Technique & personality, New York, Museum of Primitive Art, 1963.
Museum of Primitive Art, The Great Bieri, New York, Museum of Primitive Art, 1962.
Museum of Primitive Art, Masterpieces in the Museum of Primitive Art: Africa, Oceania, North America, Mexico, Central to South America, Peru, New York, Museum of Primitive Art, 1965.
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