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Achilles and Briseis is a picture depicting tableaux from the Iliad relating to the gifting of Briseis to Achilles found in the House of the Tragic Poet Pompeii, Italy. The image is painted in distemper, similar to coloured white-washing and intermediary between fresco and paint. It was at one time moved to the Naples National Archaeological Museum.

Briseis taken away from Achilles, Fourth Style of Pompeian wall painting, from the atrium of the House of the Tragic Poet
Briseis taken away from Achilles, Fourth Style of Pompeian wall painting, from the atrium of the House of the Tragic Poet

Agostino Carracci produced an engraving from it, which was included in his collection of erotic poses, I Modi.


Wheeler, William A., and Charles G. Wheeler. Familiar Allusions A Handbook of Miscellaneous Information. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1881. Print.

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