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Medusa is a c.1618 painting by the Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens, showing the severed head of Medusa. The snakes in the painting have been attributed to Frans Snyders. It is in the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Another version is held in Moravian Gallery in Brno.[1][2]

Medusa painting in Vienna
Medusa painting in Vienna
Another version in Brno
Another version in Brno


На других языках

- [en] Medusa (Rubens)

[fr] Méduse (Rubens)

Tête de Méduse est un tableau de Pierre Paul Rubens peint vers 1617-1618. Frans Snyders a pu participer à sa création[1]. Cette huile sur bois et toile est actuellement conservée au musée d'Histoire de l'art de Vienne.

[it] Medusa (Rubens)

La Medusa (in ceco: Hlava Medúsy; in tedesco: Haupt der Medusa) è un dipinto a olio su tavola (68x119 cm) realizzato nel 1618 circa dal pittore fiammingo Pieter Paul Rubens.[1]

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