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The Wolf and Fox Hunt is an oil-on-canvas painting by Peter Paul Rubens, executed c. 1616, now held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It shows mounted and walking hunters chasing two wolves and three foxes. It marks the beginning of an intensive creative phase in which Rubens focused on the theme of hunting.

The Wolf and Fox Hunt (c. 1616) by Rubens
The Wolf and Fox Hunt (c. 1616) by Rubens

The painting was completed with the help of assistants, although the wolves were painted entirely by Rubens.[1] By 1617 the canvas had been trimmed at the top and left to fit into a client's home.[1]


На других языках

- [en] The Wolf and Fox Hunt

[fr] La Chasse au loup et au renard

La Chasse au loup et au renard, également appelée Chasse au loup et au renard et Chasse aux loups et aux renards[1] est un tableau de Pierre Paul Rubens actuellement conservé par le Metropolitan Museum of Art à New York. Peint vers 1616, La Chasse au loup et au renard marque le début d'une phase créative intense de Rubens autour du thème de la chasse. Il dépeint des chasseurs à pied et à cheval poursuivant deux loups et trois renards.

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