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The Judgement of Paris refers to any of the several paintings of the Judgement of Paris produced by Peter Paul Rubens, though he did not match the 22 depictions of the subject attributed to Lucas Cranach the Elder. The large versions of 1636 in London and 1639 in Madrid are among the best known. These both show Rubens' version of idealised feminine beauty, with the goddesses Aphrodite, Athena and Hera on one side and Paris accompanied by Hermes on the other. The 1636 version has a depiction of Cupid at the far left and Alecto above the goddesses, whilst the 1639 version adds a Cupid between Hera (far right) and Aphrodite (centre).

The Judgement of Paris
ArtistPeter Paul Rubens
Yearc. 1636
Dimensions144.8 cm × 193.7 cm (57.0 in × 76.3 in)
LocationNational Gallery, London
The Judgement of Paris
ArtistPeter Paul Rubens
Dimensions199 cm × 379 cm (78 in × 149 in)
LocationMuseo del Prado, Madrid

1636 version

This version follows the story as narrated in Lucian's 'Judgement of the Goddesses'. It shows the award of the golden apple, though alterations show Rubens first painted an earlier point in the story, when the goddesses are ordered to undress by Mercury.[1] It was bought for the National Gallery in London in 1844.

1638 version

Painted in 1638 or 1639, this version is now in the Prado and was completed shortly before his death while he was ill with gout. It was commissioned by Philip IV of Spain's brother Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria and on Ferdinand's death moved to the Spanish royal collection. In 1788 Charles III of Spain decided it was immodest and ordered it to be burned, but he died before that order could be carried out.[2]

Other versions


  1. Archived September 23, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
  2. (in Catalan) Monreal, Luis. La Pintura en los Grandes Museos, 1982. ISBN 84-320-0460-X

На других языках

- [en] The Judgement of Paris (Rubens)

[es] El juicio de Paris (Rubens)

El juicio de Paris se refiere a cualquiera de los varios cuadros sobre el Juicio de Paris realizados por Pedro Pablo Rubens, aunque no coincida con las 22 representaciones del tema atribuidas a Lucas Cranach el Viejo. Las grandes versiones de 1636 (Londres) y 1638-1639 (Madrid) se encuentran entre las más conocidas. Ambas muestran la versión de Rubens de la belleza femenina idealizada, con las diosas Venus, Minerva y Juno por un lado y Paris acompañado por Mercurio por el otro (la versión de 1636 tiene un putto en el extremo izquierdo y Alecto por encima de las diosas, mientras que la de 1639 la versión agrega un putto entre Minerva y Venus).

[fr] Le Jugement de Pâris (Rubens)

Le Jugement de Pâris fait référence à plusieurs tableaux représentant le jugement de Pâris réalisés par le peintre flamand Pierre Paul Rubens. On en connaît au moins six versions.

[ru] Суд Париса (картина Рубенса)

Суд Париса — наименование, которое может относиться к любой из нескольких картин суда Париcа, написанных Рубенсом. Самые известные версии — 1636 и 1639 года, экспонируются в Национальной галерее в Лондоне и Национальном музее Прадо в Мадриде.

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