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The Finding of Erichthonius is a fragment of a larger painting by Peter Paul Rubens, produced around 1632 or 1633. It is now held at the Allen Memorial Art Museum in Oberlin, Ohio. It shows the discovery of Erichthonius in a basket by one of the daughters of Cecrops (either Pandrosus or Aglaulus).

The Finding of Erichthonius (c. 1632–1633) by Rubens
The Finding of Erichthonius (c. 1632–1633) by Rubens

На других языках

- [en] The Finding of Erichthonius

[fr] La Découverte d'Érichthonios

La Découverte d'Érichthonios est un tableau de Rubens conservé à l'Allen Memorial Art Museum aux États-Unis, dans l'Ohio.

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