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The Resurrection of Christ is a 1611-1612 triptych painting by Peter Paul Rubens, now in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp.

The triptych depicting the Resurrection.
The triptych depicting the Resurrection.

The centre panel depicts the Risen Jesus triumphantly emerging from the tomb, surrounded by frightened Roman soldiers. The left-hand panel depicts John the Baptist, while the right-hand panel shows Martina of Rome. These saints are, respectively, the patrons and namesakes of printer Jan Moretus of the Plantin Press, and his widow Martina Plantin, who placed the commission for the triptych.[1]


  1. Emil Krén; Daniel Marx. "The Resurrection of Christ". Web Gallery of Art. Retrieved 28 March 2016.

На других языках

- [en] Resurrection (Rubens, Antwerp)

[fr] Résurrection (Rubens)

La Résurrection du Christ est un triptyque peint par Pierre Paul Rubens entre 1611 et 1612. Il est conservé dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Anvers en Belgique.

[it] Resurrezione di Cristo (Rubens Anversa)

La Resurrezione di Cristo è un dipinto a olio su tavola (138x98 cm contando solo il pannello centrale) di Pieter Paul Rubens, databile al 1611-1612 e conservato nella Cattedrale di Nostra Signora di Anversa.

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