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Odysseus on the island of the Phaecians is a landscape painting by Peter Paul Rubens, dating to around 1630–1635. It shows Nausicaa and her maids discovering Odysseus on Phaecia. It is now in the Galleria Palatina in Florence.

Odysseus on the Island of the Phaecians (1630-1635) by Peter Paul Rubens
Odysseus on the Island of the Phaecians (1630-1635) by Peter Paul Rubens


The work was first recorded in 1677 in the duke of Richelieu's collection as a view of the city of Cadiz. It passed from there into the Habsburg collection and arrived in Florence in 1765. It was taken to Paris by the French between March and April 1799 and remained in France until 1815.

На других языках

- [en] Odysseus on the Island of the Phaecians

[fr] Ulysse sur l'île des Phéaciens

Ulysse sur l'île des Phéaciens (en italien, Ulisse sull'isola di Circe[1]) est une peinture mythologique réalisée par Pierre Paul Rubens autour de 1630-1635. Son objet est Ulysse en Schérie. Le tableau se trouve dans la Galerie Palatine du Palais Pitti à Florence.

[it] Ulisse nell'isola dei Feaci

Ulisse nell'isola dei Feaci è un dipinto a olio su tavola (128x207 cm) di Pieter Paul Rubens, databile al 1630-1635 circa e conservato nella Galleria Palatina a Firenze.

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